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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

how to score high at usmle step 1

guidance is the kea to score high a steps of usmle.
step 1 is more about the knowing the physiology of body how it affected in pathologic conditions.
pattern of questions at step 1 still clinical based like you will encounter in real life.

so what to learn and what to leave is very crucial to know before you take the exam.

what material is right-
1) kaplan is good. but dont read pathology and behav science from it.
2) goljan pathology
3) BRS behavioral science by barbara fathem

try to study in detail these topics

heart disease
anti hypertensive drug
anti depressant
anti psychotic
anti hiv

their indications, contraindications and interactions.

three p's need special attention

try to familiarize yourself with the pattern of questions .
do Usmle world at least for one month and try to score at least 70 % consistently.

have faith in God and you.

all the best.


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